Useful information

Dear guests,

A warm welcome and thank you for choosing to train with us. We look forward to welcoming you in our dojo. Some things may appear strange or unfamiliar to start with, like the unusual clothes or the use of Japanese expressions. We encourage everyone to learn at their own pace, no matter whether you have experienced Aikido before or not.

Our handbook (available in German) enables quick orientation and can be downloaded by clicking on the button below. It is meant to aid for a longer period, therefore information for absolute beginners as well as advanced Aikidoka is contained. Some information will be understood immediately, some will take longer to understand.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We hope you have lots of fun and look forward to seeing you there!

 Monthly Fees

One-time admission fee  € 10,00
Adults  €  25,00
Adults (reduced fee for students, trainees etc.  €  22,00
Teenagers from 14 years  €  20,00
Children up to 14 years  € 15,00
Family 1 ( 2 x adults, 1 x teenager or child)  €  50,00
Family 2 ( 1 x adult, 2 x teenager or children)  €  40,00

Notice periods

The membership of Aikido Frankfurt can be cancelled with effect on June, 30th or December, 31st of each year by giving six weeks' written notice.

Downloads (Aikido Frankfurt)

Aikido Frankfurt - Membership application (in german)
2020 Aufnahmeantrag Aikido Frankfurt e.V
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 139.8 KB
Aikido Frankfurt - Statutes + Data protection basic regulation (in german)
Satzung + Datenschutz .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 503.6 KB
Aikido handbook (in german)
Aikdo Frankfurt Handbuch.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 4.3 MB
Grading system for Kyu grades (in german)
1. - 5. Kyu Prüfungsordnung.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 67.2 KB