Our teachers (start with the second person from the left)

Our teaching team (from the 2nd person from the left to the right):   

Andy (3rd Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Stefanie (2nd Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Ulli (6th Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Meret, Gerd (5th Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Karin (3rd Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Kai (3rd Dan Aikido, currently without a fixed training ) and Michael (3rd Dan Aikikai Tokyo)

Our team focuses on diversity and the supportive coexistence. Therefore, the beginning teachers are given conscious teaching responsibility as an integral part of their development.


The team from left to right, Carlos (1st Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Andi (3rd Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Stefanie (1st Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Ulli (6th Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Meret, Gerd (4th Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Karin (2nd Dan Aikikai Tokyo), Kai (3rd Dan BDAL) and Michael (2nd Dan Aikikai Tokyo).

Here two statements (next will follow soon)

Ulli K., 6th Dan Aikikai Tokyo

Karin K., 3rd Dan Aikikai Tokyo

“Our essence of movement is revealed when we give our natural body intelligence adequate space.


Ulli started Aikido training in 1987. In the eighties he was particularly influenced by Jean-Luc Subileau and in the nineties by Seishiro Endo Shihan. During this time Ulli has developed his friendship with Jan Nevelius Shihan, who since then has always been a source of inspiration for him.

He feels especially connected to his students. Some of them have trained with him for over a decade, are teachers themselves and run their own dojos.

Michael S., 3rd Dan Aikikai Tokyo

Michael has been practicing this peaceful martial art since 2000, starting in the Dojo for Aikido and Zen in Frankfurt with Barbara Beste. Since 2014, Michael has been training in the Aikido Dojo Frankfurt with Ulli Kubetzek and is very grateful for the diverse exchange and the training atmosphere characterized by joy in Aikido and positive energy.


He is also particularly influenced by the Swedish Aikikai - by Jan Nevelius Shihan & Jorma Lyly Shihan.

"Good contact is created by the honest interest of both partners in practicing together."


Karin came to Aikido in 1995 while studying. Initially influenced by Katsuaki Asai Shihan, she made contact with other Aikidoka relatively early on and has been following the Swedish Aikikai since moving to Wiesbaden in 2005. Her greatest inspiration, in addition to the exchange in the dojo, is Jan Nevelius Shihan and his students.


About us

The dojo Aikido Frankfurt was founded in 1990 and does not belong to a fixed style. In fact this dojo rather unites Aikido styles of different movements and nations.

Through contact oriented and respectful practice, we explore the essence of Aikido together. We consciously focus on "this way" and "another way" instead of "right" or "wrong" and develop by exchange and encounter.

Therefore we are influenced by different personalities such as Seishiro Endo Shihan, from Saku (Japan), Jan Nevelius Shihan, from Stockholm (Sweden) and Jean-Luc Subileau, from Niort (France), who for decades have been supporting our dojo and teachers.

Kyu grade exam dates


The next exam date for 2024 is the week before the start of the Easter holidays.


The dates are:

Mon. March 18th, Tue. March 19th, Thurs. March 21st and Sun. March 24th, 2024


The examinees are free to decide on which day of the exam week they want to take the test.


Please speak to the responsible teacher and then register by email.


You can find the respective exam content on the subpage > Exams


Preview dates before the summer holidays
Mon. 08.07., Tue. 09.07., Thu. 11.07. and Sun. July 14, 2024